1662 Items found
Published: Thursday 17 March 2022

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the management of threatened species and ecological communities under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.


Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

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Published: Tuesday 22 February 2022

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the National Indigenous Australians Agency’s administration of funding for remote housing in the Northern Territory.

National Indigenous Australians Agency

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Published: Thursday 17 February 2022

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Finance and selected entities’ implementation of the Australian Government’s campaign advertising framework.

Across Entities

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Published: Monday 14 February 2022

The objective of this audit was to assess whether the award of funding under the Safer Communities Fund was effective and consistent with the Commonwealth Grant Rules and Guidelines.

Department of Home Affairs; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

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Published: Tuesday 25 January 2022

This edition of Audit Insights summarises key messages for all Australian government entities from a series of Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) performance audits that have examined service delivery through other entities. It discusses the importance of establishing appropriate service delivery governance arrangements between entities, understanding risk tolerances and managing service delivery risks, and establishing performance monitoring and measurement arrangements.


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Published: Thursday 16 December 2021

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness to date of the Department of Defence’s procurement of six evolved Cape class patrol boats.

Department of Defence

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Published: Tuesday 14 December 2021

This report complements the Interim Report on Key Financial Controls of Major Entities financial statement audit report published in June 2021. It provides a summary of the final results of the audits of the Consolidated Financial Statements for the Australian Government and the financial statements of Australian Government entities for the period ended 30 June 2021. 

Across Entities

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Published: Monday 13 December 2021

The major projects report (MPR) is an annual review of the Department of Defence’s major defence equipment acquisitions, undertaken at the request of the Parliament’s Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit (JCPAA).

The purpose of the MPR is to provide information and assurance to the Parliament on the performance of selected acquisitions as at 30 June 2021. This is the 14th MPR since its commencement in 2007–08.

Department of Defence

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Published: Wednesday 8 December 2021

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the management of international travel restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Across Entities

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Published: Monday 29 November 2021

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian National University’s governance and control framework.

Australian National University

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Published: Thursday 25 November 2021

The objective of the audit was to assess the effectiveness of Industry Innovation and Science Australia's, the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources', and the Australian Taxation Office's administration of the Research and Development Tax Incentive program.

Australian Taxation Office; Industry Innovation and Science Australia; Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources

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Published: Wednesday 24 November 2021

The objective of the audit was to examine the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment’s effectiveness in implementing the Regional Land Partnerships program.

Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment

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Published: Monday 8 November 2021

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Education, Skills and Employment’s arrangements in administering wage subsidies linked to employment programs.

Department of Education, Skills and Employment

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Published: Tuesday 19 October 2021

The objectives of this information report are to provide transparency of, and insights on, government grants expense and Commonwealth entities’ self-reporting of grants on GrantConnect.

Department of Finance

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Published: Monday 11 October 2021

The audit objective was to assess whether the Department of Home Affairs is effectively managing the Civil Maritime Surveillance Services contract.

Department of Home Affairs/Australian Border Force

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Published: Wednesday 22 September 2021

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of Health’s approach to improving and monitoring immunisation coverage.

Department of Health

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Published: Monday 13 September 2021

The objective of this audit was to examine the effectiveness of the Department of Defence's administration of contractual obligations relating to the Defence Industry Security Program.

Department of Defence

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Published: Thursday 9 September 2021

The audit objective was to assess whether the Department of Health is effectively managing financial assistance under the Medical Research Future Fund.

Department of Health

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Published: Wednesday 8 September 2021

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation's workforce planning to support key activities.

Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

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Published: Friday 3 September 2021

The Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) Corporate Plan is the ANAO’s key strategic planning document. It guides our operating environment and sets out how we will deliver on our purpose.

The Quality Assurance Framework and Plan complements the Corporate Plan. The ANAO Quality Assurance Framework is the system of quality control that the ANAO has established to provide the Auditor-General with reasonable assurance that the ANAO complies with the ANAO standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements and reports issued by the ANAO are appropriate in the circumstances.

This Audit Quality Report demonstrates the ANAO assessment of the implementation and operating effectiveness of the elements of the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework. The report provides transparency in respect of the processes, policies, and procedures that support each element of the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework, and reports audit quality indicators measuring ANAO performance against target benchmarks.

This report also includes the achievement of the quality assurance strategy and deliverables set out in the Quality Assurance Framework and Plan 2020–21.


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Published: Thursday 26 August 2021

This annual report documents the performance of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) in the financial year ended 30 June 2021. The report addresses all applicable obligations under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013; the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Rule 2014; the Auditor-General Act 1997; the performance measures set out in the outcome and programs framework in the ANAO’s Portfolio Budget Statements 2020–21 and the ANAO Corporate Plan 2020–21; and annual reporting requirements set out in other relevant legislation.


Please direct enquiries relating to annual reports through our contact page.

Published: Monday 16 August 2021

The audit objective was to examine the effectiveness to date of the Department of Defence’s administration of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) program, with a focus on ERP Tranche 1 activities.

Department of Defence

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Published: Tuesday 6 July 2021

The annual audit work program (AAWP) is designed to reflect the ANAO’s audit strategy and inform the Parliament, government entities and the public of the planned audit coverage for the Australian Government sector. The AAWP is also designed to anticipate and respond to current and emerging risks and challenges impacting on public administration.


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Published: Tuesday 6 July 2021

The corporate plan is the ANAO’s primary planning document. Our strategic planning process allows us to continually improve practices and capabilities to demonstrate value in the delivery of services to the Parliament. The corporate plan is complemented by the annual audit work program, which reflects the ANAO’s audit strategy for the coming year.


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Published: Tuesday 6 July 2021

The ANAO corporate plan is the ANAO's primary planning document. It outlines our purpose; the dynamic environment in which we operate; our commitment to building capability; and the priorities, activities and performance measures by which we are held to account. This Quality Assurance Framework and Plan 2021–22 complements the corporate plan. It describes the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework and reflects the ANAO's quality assurance strategy and deliverables for the coming year.

The ANAO Quality Assurance Framework is the ANAO’s established system of quality control to provide the Auditor-General with reasonable assurance that the ANAO complies with the ANAO Auditing Standards and applicable legal and regulatory requirements and reports issued by the ANAO are appropriate in the circumstances.

The Quality Assurance Strategy and Plan component of this document identifies the key activities that the ANAO conducts to provide the Auditor-General with comfort that the controls established within the Quality Assurance Framework are implemented and operating effectively.

The ANAO reports on the audit quality indicators that measure the ANAO performance against target benchmarks in the annual Audit Quality Report published on the ANAO website. The Audit Quality Report also provides transparency with respect to the processes, policies and procedures that support each element of the ANAO Quality Assurance Framework and the achievement of the quality assurance strategy and deliverables set out in the Quality Assurance Framework and Plan.


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Published: Wednesday 30 June 2021

This edition of Audit Insights considers the approaches entities are taking to implement parliamentary and ANAO recommendations to improve public administration practices and outcomes. It updates and replaces the edition published in November 2019 and draws on audit reports released since then.

Parliamentary committee inquiries and ANAO performance audits identify risks to the successful delivery of outcomes and generally provide recommendations to address them. Tabling an agreed response to a parliamentary committee recommendation formalises government or entity commitment to the Parliament to implement the agreed action. Similarly, ANAO performance audit reports are prepared for presentation to Parliament and agreement to implement a recommendation made in an ANAO report is therefore a commitment to the Parliament.


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Published: Tuesday 29 June 2021

The objective of the audit was to examine the effectiveness of planning and delivery of the security upgrade capital works program at Parliament House by the Department of Parliamentary Services.

Department of Parliamentary Services

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Published: Tuesday 29 June 2021

The audit objective was to examine the effectiveness of the Australian Skills Quality Authority’s planning and implementation of reform to the regulation of the vocational education and training sector.

Australian Skills Quality Authority

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Published: Monday 28 June 2021

The objective of this audit was to assess the effectiveness of the administration of the commuter car park projects within the Urban Congestion Fund.

Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications

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Published: Monday 28 June 2021

The audit objective was to assess the effectiveness of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet’s administration of the National Bushfire Recovery Agency functions including the National Bushfire Recovery Fund.

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet

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